Mon 27 Jan
T€AS€ M€ ——•X•——F€€L M€——•X•——PL€AS€ M€ >>((( NEW HERE$$$$ - 23
****** REALLY ** SEXY** BUSTY ** BOMBSHELL ****** (( 100 % ME & I'M WAITING FOR YOU!! )) - 21
(New Orleans, OUTCALLS all night long)
((NeW)) ♡ 【 E¥e CanD ¥ •* 】 ♡ 【1OO%REAL 】 ☆【#1 MOST Wanted】 ☆ 【★•°o °•★ 】FREAKY♡ ((NEW)) - 23
(New Orleans, New Orleans East I-10)
100%Real!🍒❤️Gorgeous Chocolate Bunny🍒Sweet and lush 🌹🍒❤️Pure Seduction 🌹🍒❤️Hurry hurry 🍒❤️🌹 - 20
(Kenner, Airport,Williams blvd, Mid-City, New Orleans)
☆Sexy Tall Tiffany* 5'11 Long legs*♡ Sexy Mature Lady☆504-638-6539 - 48
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, New Orleans/Metairie)
(¯`'·.¸♔¸.·'´¯) Stretch your leg before work!! WooooH (¯`'·.¸♔¸.·'´¯) - 21
(New Orleans, Metairie in&&out;)
Slidell Incall ** Jazzmine** Hi Guys IM BACK!!! ***$100 SPECIALS ALL DAY*** 504-406-0504 - 22
(New Orleans, Slidell/ Surounding ares)
🌺smell like FLOWERS 🌺 taste like WATER 💦New Orleans COME PLAY with ERICA NOW 📞678.994.5288 🌺 - 23
(New Orleans, Metairie/Downtown i-10)
Slidell in specials!! W / Heather!! Allll night/ day long!! 24 / 7!! - 26
(New Orleans, northshore slidell in & out call)
==== === RUSSIAN and Petite Asian !!! THE BEST 2 GIRL SHOW in New Orleans! === ==== ======== - 20
(in 247)
-*•*RARE FIND -:*•* C0ME Play With Me :*•*SEXY:•*•* FUN •* EX0TIC *•* VISITING! - 22
(New Orleans, DOWNTOWN New Orleans)
$pecials CoMe * ENjOY * xXpEr!Ecn3 * WitH * A * TrUe * DREaM * CaUCasIoN *BeAuTyy ! ! $pecials! - 20
(NEW)LaSt NiGht InToWn! ThE pErFeCt PlAyMaT8 B4 It'S tOo LaTe(NEW) - 21
******** Outcall Only >>>>> Asian Yuki
(Central City / Garden District, French Quarter / CBD, Mid-City, New Orleans, Outcall Only)
*-:¦:-°o? -:¦:-°SOo* JuiCy **~N~ TighT ** -:¦:- °TopNoTch ~ DELIGHT** o?-:¦:- - 22
(New Orleans/Metairie/Kener)
petite pretty blonde TIFFANY 25 - 25
(Bywater, Central City / Garden District, Eastern NO, French Quarter / CBD, Gentilly, Lakeview, Lower Ninth Ward, Mid-City, n.o Metairie and surrounding areas, New Orleans, Uptown / Carrollton, West Ba)
♔ NeW... ** ThE OnE YoU WaNt °SeNsUaL PriNceSs° HOT & SWEET InCaLLs & OuTcALLs ♔ - 20
(MeTaiRie IN//OUT ALL OvEr)
Nothing but the BEST & Better than the REST😇Hot chick in the bar you want to bang😈😘 - 26
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, OUTCALL ONLY)
One Of A Kind - Asian Busty Babe - Visiting from California - 22
(French Quarter / CBD, Downtown / French Quarter)
New--☆ ☆ G U A ® A N T D P L A S U ® E ☆ ☆ - - 31
(Metairie-In/All Areas-Out)
NeW★_ I'M ThE ★_MAiN ATTRACTiON_ ★ AmAZiNg __QUALiTY PROViDER ___ - 24
(Metairie / New Orleans & Surrounding)
N ——E ——W_♥ _G —— O ——R ——G ——E —— O—— U— — S—— ♥ —— H -—O— T ——T ——I ——E ♥ __ - 21
(New Orleans, METAIRIE NeW OrLeAnS iNcaLL SpEciAl)
👉 N€W N€W 🍭💗 P€tit€★💋 €Xotic 🍬🍭BuBbL€ BuTt 🍭🍬 HOT 💋💗 NaUgHt¥ & ®Eady 2 PLay 💜💕️👉 - 21
(Gentilly, IN/OUT AREA, New Orleans)
New Hottie in Town! Gorgeous! And Waiting for You! - 19
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, In town, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Mid-City, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport)
.*¨*-:¦:-* ? N.a.u.g.h.t.y *B.u.t *O* S.o* N.i.c.e ? *¨¨*-:¦: "YoU'LL CaLL TWiCE" - 23
(New Orleans, N O / Metairie / Kenner / Fr. Quarter /)
new in town freaky exotic beauty with call me now specials - 25
(Gentilly, New Orleans, new orleans surrounding areas)
New Girl In Town Ask For Ts Carino No One Does It Better Than Me - 18
(Uptown / Carrollton, Metairie)
::::L __ I __ M __ I__ T__ E __D :::___ ×OUTCALL× ___ ::: E__ D__ i__ T__ i __O__ N - 19
💞💖Let This Sexy Blonde Cali Girl Rock Your World!!💖💞Incalls only! - 21
(French Quarter / CBD, French Quarter area, New Orleans)
Look no further😘 young,fresh,new in town🌆ready to cater to all your needs! Lovely - 20
(Eastern NO, New Orleans, New Orleans East, Outcalls)
! Last Day!!!—— ⓑⓢⓣⓨ❥ ♥❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ —————█—☰—█ ABSΘLUTELY ❥ AMAZi₦G █——█CΘME❥PLAY❥ WiTH❥Me - 24
(New Orleans, Metairie INCALL Only)
Let thick and sexy Mocha satisfied your every need (40DD) - 22
(New Orleans, anywhere- outcalls for now)
💎🌟 FLiP ME, ToSs Me, SPaNk Me!!! 👠 IT's HaRd 2 R€siSt!!! SPeCiALs!! 🌟💜💎💄 - - 23
Exotic Panamanian✨💖Playmate HappyHour Special █ NeW iN tOwN && CaN sAtISfY yOu 100 %% CaLl Now - 20
(New Orleans, New Orleans/Airport/Kenner//Metairie)
Don't Miss out on these Perky Tits and Soft ASS - Sexy Blonde Bombshell - 23
(French Quarter / CBD, French Quarter Private)
Become Seduced _ Ravished and Satisfied by a beautiful Seductress ! Call for my Specials - 22
(In or Out Near You)
Beautiful, Sexy, One of a kind.. Contact me 😉 [INCALLS ONLY] - 21
(New Orleans, New Orleans east & surrounding areas)
Sun 12 Jan
★ GORGEOUS ★ ————— ————— PERFECT BODY ————— ★! ★ - 30
(Central City / Garden District, New Orleans, Nola/Garden discrict)
100%REAL••• A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y▓ S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ••• 100%REAL - 21
(New Orleans, New Orleans (Surrounding citys))
Treat yourself with a beautiful, charming blonde! I taste sweeter than I am ! - 18
(New Orleans, Kenner)
TAKE A°°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» FIRST ✈ CLASS ✈ FLIGHT ✈TO ✈ PLEASURE »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/10min From French Quarters)
Sat 11 Jan
Come Start Ur Weekend Off Right With Me Gentlemen!!! - 28
(Mid-City, New Orleans, Slidell and Surrounding Areas)
Don't Miss out On This Blonde Playmate - Soft and Subtle - Upscale Barbie with Killer Curves - 23
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
The SEXIEST, & FREAKIEST On B.P...HANDS DOWN!! Come Feel My Body!!* 60 Special!! - 25
(New Orleans, Metarie Incall....ANYWHERE YOU WANT IT!!)
~* ~ BEaUtiFuL LATiNA *~ PRinCEss *~ * All NAtuRaL ** All REAL !!~V.I.P. CoMpANiOn !! - 21
(New Orleans, kenner and metairie incall and outcalls)